Imane Maissa Zendjebil/en
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Imane Maissa Zendjebil, PhD Candidate
Laboratoire IBISC
40, rue de Pelvoux
CE1455 Courcouronnes
91020 Évry Cedex
Tel : 01 69 47 75 04
Sommaire |
[modifier] Education
- From November 2006: PhD thesis on Automation, Signal and Image processing, University of Evry Val d'Essonne, France
- 2005-2006: Master STIC IGMMV, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
- 2000-2005: Engineering in Computer Science, INI, Algiers, Algeria.
- Juin 2000: Bachelor, Option mathematical sciences, Algiers, Algeria.
[modifier] PhD Title
Title: Tracking of point of view for Augmented Reality in outdoor environments
Thesis supervisor: Pr. Malik Mallem
Supervisors: Fakhr-Eddine Ababsa (Maitre de conférence) et Jean-Yves Didier (Maitre de Conférence).
The democratization of mobile devices such as smartphones, PDAs or tablet-PCs makes it possible to use Augmented Reality systems in large scale environments. However, in order to implement such systems, many issues must be adressed. Among them, 3D localization is one of the most important. Indeed, the estimation of the position and orientation (also called pose) of the viewpoint (of the camera or the user) allows to register the virtual objects over the visible part of the real world. In this paper, we present an original localization system for large scale environments which uses a markerless vision-based approach to estimate the camera pose. It relies on natural feature points extracted from images. Since this type of method is sensitive to brightness changes, occlusions and sudden motion which are likely to occur in outdoor environment, we use two more sensors to assist the vision process. In our work, we would like to demonstrate the feasibility of an assistance scheme in large scale outdoor environment. The intent is to provide a fallback system for the vision in case of failure as well as to reinitialize the vision system when needed. The complete localization system aims to be autonomous and adaptable to different situations. We present here an overview of our system, its performance and some results obtained from experiments performed in an outdoor environment under real conditions.
[modifier] Research Domains
- Outdoor Augmented Reality,
- 3D localisation, Dynamic Registration,
- Pose Estimation, Visual tracking, Markerless method.
- Multi Sensors technology.
[modifier] Publications
[modifier] Master thesis
[modifier] National Conferences
I.M. Zendjebil, F. Ababsa, J. Didier, J. Vairon, L. Frauciel, M. Hachet, P. Guitton, R. Delmont - Réalité augmentée en exterieur: enjeux et état de l'art
[modifier] International Conferences
I.M Zendjebil, F. Ababsa, J. Didier, J. Vairon, L. Frauciel, M Hachet, P. Guitton, R. Delmont - Outdoor Augmented Reality: State of the Art and Issues
- ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology , Bordeaux, France, October, 2008
- Bibtex Abstract
[modifier] International Workshops
I.M. Zendjebil, F. Ababsa, J-Y. Didier, M.Mallem - Toward an Inertial/Vision Sensor Calibration for Outdoor Augmented Reality Applications
- the 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality (REGARD) , Québec, Canada, August, 2008
- Bibtex Abstract
- The First International Workshops on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications , Sousse, Tunisia, 23-26 November, 2008
Pdf Bibtex Abstract
[modifier] Journals
Imane Maissa Zendjebil, Fakhreddine Ababsa, Jean-Yves Didier, Emilie Lalagüe, Fabrice Decle, Romuald Delmont, Luc Frauciel, Jacques Vairon - Réalité Augmentée en Extérieur: Etat de l'Art